This will be mainly pictures with a brief discussion posted on a fairly regular basis if all goes according to plan. Uor garden is around 80ft.long and 15ft. (poss.) wide. Mike is keen on ferns, Sue loves Summer planting in containers of all shapes and sizes and our pride and joy is Paul's Himalayan Musk Rose planted through Clematis Montana (Alba).
It's "erupted".
ir·rupt (ĭ-rŭpt') pronunciation
intr.v., -rupt·ed, -rupt·ing, -rupts.
1. To break or burst in.
2. Ecology. To increase rapidly and irregularly in number: In the absence of predators, the island's rodent population irrupted.
[Latin irrumpere, irrupt- : in-, in; see in–2 + rumpere, to break.]
ir·rup'tion n.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2004, 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
1) a forcible or violent rush; a breaking in
2) of a natural population: a sudden upsurge in numbers
3) eruption
© 2005 by Michael A. Fischer
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